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[公告] 【08.11.01】 歌词翻译比赛曲目之二:〉谜〉里男女对唱

发表于 2008-11-1 16:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ R" G$ a  s) y6 \% ^' M( G6 ^- F6 F/ J6 A
<embed src="http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNTA0ODkzODA=/v.swf" quality="high" width="480" height="400" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed># K# }9 r0 R4 k  d1 f# |
6 a/ A5 F: Z3 }6 `# U7 V
; W+ z3 Q! c* K* B  S
歌词我附在后面。9 q& a2 A" h$ B2 F# m; a9 [
The moonlight is shining brightly,
) T% r# A! O  H8 Z2 IMaking the sky glitter like gold,
, J+ i. |( l+ E: W: `When I gaze at it, my heart fills with happiness5 V, p+ v5 W/ ?' U1 g
The moon is shining brightly in my eyes
; ]+ _, @2 E/ f0 }# iThe sky is happy down to its soul
4 Q" [% s: C8 {- v& C5 q* hWith the moon kissing it every night2 Z5 Q2 e$ u3 L# M
Seeing the sky content with its love
* P, R/ I/ k$ l6 @' aIt fills my heart with worry         I fear our love will turn sour
2 e( `( O8 w9 ~2 M( gYou needn’t fear anything9 T5 w1 @8 k1 H# p/ K6 F
My love is filled with happiness, loving you steadily6 U! a  N$ h0 H
Every other word you utter is love
0 n, ?/ X8 q: S( j; N  P' `5 `I really want to know just how much you love me
5 r; z/ @8 t' N1 n, i+ P6 ?I love you I love you with all my heart) N4 }% ?4 J  ^
Nothing can compare to my love( [( _( j" z' q0 ^0 W2 W
Can it even fill up half the sky, P’?
7 ]( w4 F) b8 T" C7 [The whole sky couldn’t even reach half my love
: _5 y, P- A3 o, o4 gI want so much to see inside your heart
. Z2 s- M" A( A: h+ l% n* L) zI invite you to rip it out         To prove my love, I’m willing to die
1 N1 j/ l  N! oI’m still filled with fear
" o1 }: N, {0 ]( NYour glib answers are like 100 silver tongues7 l% q% C& [" C
I regret not dying
. f9 w4 O' i4 T; Y$ H* i) l0 sI only have one tongue           It’s nothing close to 100,000
6 }* ?- d- `: n+ [9 nWith such a tongue as yours,
* l. C5 ?4 b  `6 oYour speech can’t even keep up with it
3 d- q1 _1 r& p- |1 o  H( i% UIf I have a hundred, I will tell you 100,000 things
1 L! U. U8 ?% _' {+ N2 YRambling on about a thousand words of love
发表于 2008-11-1 17:19 | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1威望 +300 金钱 +300 王国积分 +300 王国爱心 +300 收起 理由
纯语yuyu + 300 + 300 + 300 + 300 感谢jc对歌词翻译大赛的努力~~~


 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-1 19:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-11-18 11:08 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 gougou 于 2008-12-4 08:56 编辑 / `/ Z( Q7 V# [8 H1 \# i: y

7 ~/ b- c3 @+ o<P>The moonlight is shining brightly, </P>% \+ W, U( D; K0 H/ d1 f
<P>月光闪亮 </P>
# G& q0 t& ]: C' h2 q<P>Making the sky glitter like gold, </P>! G- f' u+ {8 d8 w+ h4 s
<P>使天空如金子般闪耀 </P>  x, c1 @9 ~0 N1 f6 A& a# m! q3 i
<P>When I gaze at it, my heart fills with happiness </P>
, J* i8 l/ U' E' ?2 t' J<P>当我凝视它,我满心欢喜 </P>
0 i. Z  E  }1 m2 N# w# r1 V  x<P>The moon is shining brightly in my eyes</P>, M; U/ h/ J2 R4 B$ R) X
<P>&nbsp;月亮在我眼中闪耀 </P>4 _: a( L0 U# r8 Z
<P>The sky is happy down to its soul </P>( K1 f% J6 F5 ]( n  {
<P>天空也陶醉了 </P>
. [7 [7 b+ P$ x  c- A4 s<P>With the moon kissing it every night </P>
! ^3 p5 s* V! |. v" ~3 m/ J<P>月亮每晚亲吻它 </P>
" J1 b3 r9 y2 x3 z+ K. R& G7 A<P>Seeing the sky content with its love </P>  t7 ~4 @* L# `% b; o. o. f
<P>看着天空满足于它的爱情</P>7 K1 G" E' \  M1 w8 E
<P>&nbsp;It fills my heart with worry I fear our love will turn sour </P>, m8 J$ T* O7 f' ~/ [
<P>我满怀忧愁,我害怕我们的爱变酸 </P>. B9 V! t( y' I/ g& b3 r, v
<P>You needn’t fear anything </P>8 M$ }! Q$ Z( d1 R: @( L) j1 X
0 q" W; R, m9 T) k' f2 o<P>&nbsp;My love is filled with happiness, loving you steadily</P>
6 s/ c: B# F0 W& z<P>&nbsp;我们的爱情充满欢乐,爱你忠贞不渝</P>% f! ~& g: a/ N* h
<P>&nbsp;Every other word you utter is love</P>
6 `8 V/ x: [6 r' O3 V$ t; S, q. H<P>你说的每个字都是爱 </P>
7 \% b4 }% C8 [  J<P>I really want to know just how much you love me</P>
% Z% ^: a( w+ y* t<P>我想知道你爱我有多深 </P>
: |; b+ [+ N! h. D<P>I love you I love you with all my heart </P>
/ T6 s1 B6 B! j) @( b<P>我爱你,爱你全心全意 </P>, o. A& f% U# O2 H1 t# {. P9 s
<P>Nothing can compare to my love</P>3 Q0 x4 @- q" X3 C% }* I
<P>&nbsp;我的爱无与伦比 </P>/ w2 w' x0 n6 l( l  n- z
<P>Can it even fill up half the sky, P’? </P>6 e! a- w; [6 d7 s5 o+ g
<P>能填满半个天空吗, P’? </P>
+ H( d; Z" U( {# h+ S/ i5 o& N/ M<P>The whole sky couldn’t even reach half my love </P>3 f9 e# J; u+ r/ s5 Y
<P>整个天空不及我爱的一半</P>8 c! {! Q5 X8 P5 C' z
<P>&nbsp;I want so much to see inside your heart </P>
7 Q5 r3 w9 |/ E<P>我好想看穿你心</P>4 t( E9 I! W/ o: ]% v
<P>&nbsp;I invite you to rip it out </P>4 p7 j( N, a+ a9 ?7 F
<P>我请你剖开它 (我把心掏出来给你看)</P>( J5 m# |0 o5 I/ N  U( ~
<P>To prove my love, I’m willing to die</P>
9 c1 X5 T' i$ S0 n! ~" c* p/ {<P>&nbsp;为证明我的爱,我乐意去死 </P>
2 L+ D+ |8 G3 {# ?8 O4 X<P>I’m still filled with fear </P>
  D0 R8 x6 p3 M/ n7 M& F6 a<P>我仍满心恐惧 </P>
* V0 g0 u* f. ^<P>Your glib answers are like 100 silver tongues </P>: W+ `% Y( c! [5 j
<P>你油腔滑调的回答如同有100个银色的舌头(你的回答如舌灿莲花) </P>
8 r: z( O" o- l2 ~6 c: k: Y<P>I regret not dying</P>
* F1 O* U! q* p* f<P>&nbsp;我遗憾未死 </P>
1 o1 M5 m& i1 u4 X$ ]<P>I only have one tongue </P>1 y5 w& n+ E; X! [3 |
<P>我只有一个舌头</P>+ Y: j4 c2 M2 _6 \
<P>&nbsp;It’s nothing close to 100,000</P>
: y" ]4 k1 w' t<P>它不是近于100,000 </P>
' F% {; f0 I6 h7 D- C3 R<P>With such a tongue as yours, </P>9 J' S8 e8 Z! _9 m
<P>你有一个这样的舌头(你如此巧舌如簧) </P>
3 I/ l) L0 r  r7 J$ i<P>Your speech can’t even keep up with it </P>" `  o; @" C2 n  `# |8 Z' H  a
<P>你的话语跟不上它</P>4 }6 ]1 l9 ~" M* G5 D" v4 J+ s
<P>&nbsp;If I have a hundred, I will tell you 100,000 things </P>
# X1 F- u* a( x3 K& f<P>如果我有100,我将告诉你100,000件事情 </P>) _$ C" @( W& z/ r6 B( _- V( [
<P>Rambling on about a thousand words of love</P>
9 G3 D* m- z: d, N- M<P>&nbsp;围绕爱的千言万语</P>[<I> 本帖最后由 gougou 于 2008-11-18 15:08 编辑 </I>]
发表于 2008-11-18 11:41 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-12-1 23:54 | 显示全部楼层
I invite you to rip it out
. `  {, v* c; w! Q4 {2 o9 g" p
0 i; t1 T) \& I" U0 Q* R我请你剖开它
. S9 i3 H( l4 V2 m
0 f2 l) U, R' u0 ? 似乎此话翻译有点奇怪,难道是女的要男的以死明志吗?我个人认为应该译为“请把心胸向我敞开”,不知你意下如何?
发表于 2008-12-3 16:58 | 显示全部楼层
I invite you to rip it out 我请你剖开它 似乎此话翻译有点奇怪,难道是女的要男的以死明志吗?我个人认为应该译为“请把心胸向我敞开”,不知你意下如何? <FONT size=2><FONT color=#999999>bawu33 发表于 2008-12-1 23:54</FONT> <A href="http://www.chinatikfans.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=542600&amp;ptid=14925" target=_blank><IMG alt="" src="http://www.chinatikfans.com/images/common/back.gif" border=0></A></FONT>
</P>4 i' z, o8 J6 o5 o7 C
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